Earthen Architecture in childhood awareness for sustainable development


  • Lidia García-Soriano
  • Valentina Cristini
  • Esther Blanco Tamayo
  • Salvador Tomás Márquez



The work presented has been developed within the framework of the educational and diffusion activities promoted by the UNESCO Chair of Earthen Architecture, constructive cultures and sustainable development at its headquarters in the UPV (directed by F. Vegas and C. Mileto) in collaboration with the UPV Nursery School and UPV Summer School. Within this framework, we structured some activities focused on knowledge, promotion and development of earth as material associated with a wide range of constructive, sustainable and ecological techniques, being a former resort yet contemporary, linked to different cultures. The proposed workshops are an educational resource based on active methodologies ("learning by doing") because the students are who learn to build the various earthen techniques their own hands, actively and collaboratively to achieve a common goal, a small building which all participants are encouraging teamwork and collective participation.


