Workshop as teaching tool in the scope of Architecture Project


  • Emma López-Bahut



The proposal is to analyse critically the development of the Workshop, an educational space shared by several subjects in the Architecture Degree, during the first five years of implementation in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidade da Coruña (ETSAC). Specifically focused in the second course and from the point of view of the Architecture Project subjects, has the Workshop improved the training of the project? An analysis of the different teaching methodologies implemented is carried out, as well as of the diverse approaches of the student’s works, of the internal functioning and the management of the teaching staff, of the variations in the contribution of all the subjects involved, of the connections and overlapping with the own subject’s workshop, of the student learning and academic performance obtained. The difference between what is stated in the Study Plan and what is happening in the classroom day by day.


