Eccentric Keys. Conceptual Foundations for Teaching Architectural Design


  • Jesús Marina Barba
  • Elena Morón Serna



Thinking processes hold a spatial dimension that define the course they take. They follow a path that has different levels of complexity and linearity, their goal is to reach the horizon starting from a vertex the position of which determines, to a large extent, their nature. Hence, it is fitting to talk about keys as eccentric strategies or tools that address architectural design and its teaching from the periphery, in the same manner as when metaphors are used to describe an idea or when an explanation is given based on the geometry and scale of the design. When the adoption of a conceptual foundation is considered, what we are contemplating is the exploration of possibilities that hold essential keys, those that rise from the heart of the matter, since they are at the basis of the design itself. Given that architecture is the spatial expression of human conduct and the realm of emotional dimensions, the voids and colors that are part of it are two creative paths that are part of the same material nature.


