Double blind: The limitation at design learning process


  • Alberto Peñín Llobell
  • Mara Gabriela Partida Muñoz



If the Kyudo masters ignore the target centring their attention in the handling of the arch or in the archer concentration, the complexity of the design learning process in architecture invites to put ahead what informs it before its result. In the design discipline, many variables come to its origin, being the site, the program and the construction, three of its fundamental vertexes. This text will present some pedagogic strategies that will share the limitation as a learning procedure. The synthesis exercise that the design in architecture requires, doesn’t presuppose the deep understanding of those items, neither puts in doubt the set of those proposed in traditional programs for students. The necessary task of synthesis doesn’t put in question the ingredients that handles, nor goes deep on those. For all that we’ll try to show how blinding temporary one part of reality, allows a better learning to operate on it.


