How innovative teaching activities can help theorical-based subjects. Focused on teaching subjects at the Architectural Composition Department


  • Amanda Ramón-Constantí
  • Francisco Catalán-Tamarit



Subjects at the Architectural Composition Department are distributed among the five years of the Architecture studies. These subjects are basically based on the study of History and cultural references, which has been studied traditionally by memory. In order to improve the teaching at these subjects and make the concept assimilation easier for pupils, teachers have been testing different methods on their classes to encourage the participation of students as well as achieve better grades. All these methods include the use of new technologies and complementary activities at the classroom as writing blogs, going on tours to local buildings treated at the master classes and the participation on activities at cultural architecture festivals from both teachers and students, who may later add to the regular teaching some of the topics seen at these fests as well as creating relationships with national and international Schools to see different approaches at the Composition subjects.


