TIC+ABP: instruments for teaching innovation in Architecture


  • Jonathan Ruiz-Jaramillo
  • María Isabel Alba-Dorado
  • Guido Cimadomo
  • Eduardo Jiménez- Morales
  • María Dolores Joyanes-Díaz




This article presents the results obtained during its first year of application in the educational innovation project called “New frameworks of teaching: ICT applied to problem based learning in technical bachelors” (PIE 15-166) developed at the School of Architecture in the University of Malaga. This has been focused on the development of educational strategies based on exploiting the potential of ICT, taking as a framework the ABP. Its application on subjects from different areas of knowledge (architectural composition, urban planning, projects and architectural constructions) has allowed assessing the adaptability of this methodology depending on the content. Among the obtained results can be highlighted the improvement in cross curricular coordination between subjects from different fields of studies, providing different ways of synchronous and asynchronous communication between students and teachers to generate a greater interaction between all the involved subjects; increasing in addition the interest and an improvement of the results.


