Manage entropy in Architectural Projects. Assuming commitments and ordering diversity


  • E Alonso García
  • V Sierra Morillo



It was primary to transfer to the student the importance of his own responsibility on the project, transcending the usual condition of mere academic practice in the school. Their projects are already real actions to transform the reality from the moment in which are the product of a responsible and critical thinking. To the regular development of the Subject of Architectural Projects with theoretical classes and collective corrections in Workshop of Projects, it was incorporated a series of methodologies to activate the individual and collective learning. The project critically acts on city model, proposes an architectural intervention with transformative will and the classroom becomes a social space where individual engagements and collective engagements are added. This dialectic with reality was concluded with the exhibition of projects, which the students explained to the neighbours as the end of the course, first in school and finally in their civic center.


