Creativity and critical thought


  • Anna Martínez Duran Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Sergi Lois Alcázar Universitat Ramon Llull



The communication presents the subject of Composition II, through two actions: the presentations in group (happening), and the writing of the individual critical article. The freedom in both exercises is high and the degree of response very good. In the happening, the case of study is presented in a creative way, looking for debate and participation: models, furniture, details, murals, videos, installations, performances, games, etc. The critical article aims, with few words and images, to bring a new look on the object studied. The student proposes the topic and the format of writing and presentation. The evaluation is produced by natural processes of interaction with the students. The follow-up of each student, the dynamics of the groups, the attendance and the participation, are props of the action of the prossessors, always counting on interventions of invited lecturers, to foment the diversity of the point of view in the knowledge of the discipline.

Author Biographies

Anna Martínez Duran, Universitat Ramon Llull

profesora titular URL

Cap àrea Composició

Departament Arquitectura

Escola d'Arquitectura La Salle

Sergi Lois Alcázar, Universitat Ramon Llull

Departament Arquitectura

Escola d'Arquitectura La Salle




