Pedagogical antipodes: How to teach architectural projects at the end of the world?


  • Fabián Barros Di Giammarino University of Magallanes



The Inverse  Projectual Process is presented as a didactical element that evidences the intention of the project teachers, of the southernmost architecture school on the planet, to place project criticism as an essential element in the teaching of architectural workshops. The methodological experience studied is developed in the course that establishes just the middle of the career syllabus, at which time the relationship between intervention and critical autonomy of teachers and students must be balanced. Being in an condition of extreme geographical isolation, the critical study of the work (first completed and then in making) it constitutes a source of knowledge that cannot be acquired in the immediate context. For this, a provisional and flexible scaffolding of architectural criticism has been established that allows the development of different levels of study, analysis and synthesis of the architecture in question.

Author Biography

Fabián Barros Di Giammarino, University of Magallanes

Director and researcher at the Department of Architecture, University of Magellanes.

PhD. in Advanced Architectural Projects, ETSAM-UPM.

Master in Architectural Design Didactics, UBB.


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