The Practice Seminar in History of Architecture as an Open Invitation to Modern Culture




This paper reflects upon our history and theory of modern architecture course in order to develop a methodology that contributes to reformulate the teaching of practice seminars and their links to an all-inclusive theoretical framework. Given the semester’s time constraints, we have considered that our program, instead of trying to chronologically cover the entire time span of the theory course, was meant to overcome it to provide an integrating experience of architectural history’s main values. Distancing ourselves from the perspective of the historian, as well as from the analysis of actual study cases, we have designed a set of activities that challenge the creative imagination and the current interests of our students. Their enthusiastic work and successful results have led us to rethink the teaching of theory seminars to move away from conventional formats, being its first consequence the implementation of an interactive tool that we have called "conceptual map".

Author Biographies

Jose Parra Martínez, University of Alicante

Assistant Professor History and Theory of Modern Architecture

Department of Graphic Expression, Architectural Theory and Design

María-Elia Gutiérrez-Mozo, University of Alicante

Professor History and Theory of Modern Architecture

Department of Graphic Expression, Architectural Theory and Design

Ana Gilsanz-Díaz, University of Alicante

Part time Lecturer Theory of Modern Architecture

Department of Graphic Expression, Architectural Theory and Design


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