Space basic learning
This presentation exposes the methodology and contents of the subject Bases for Design II, carried out in the ETSA del Vallès, UPC, during the courses 2015-2018, in which the main facets of Space and its fundamental role in architecture are developed in a monographic manner. Based on the main parameters that have defined the architectural space during the last decades and following the path traced by the pioneer schools in the application of active pedagogical systems to the didactics of design, the program is presented as an extension of the subject Bases for Design I, where students were initiated to use the tools to approach any design from the Form. Form and Space thus converge together as complementary contents of the initial syllabus in Architectural Design: Space supports its construction in the Form and, at the same time, the Form applied to the project requires a threedimensional display that, involving habitability, is transformed into architecture.
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