Yes, we draw! The role of drawing in contemporary Architecture teaching


  • Belén Butragueño Díaz-Guerra Architectural Graphic Ideation Department ETSAM, School of Architecture of Madrid UPM, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
  • Javier Francisco Raposo Grau Architectural Graphic Ideation Department ETSAM, School of Architecture of Madrid UPM, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
  • María Asunción Salgado de la Rosa Architectural Graphic Ideation Department ETSAM, School of Architecture of Madrid UPM, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain



The drawing has traditionally played a fundamental role in architecture. However, in recent decades, it is disappearing from the curriculum of many schools of architecture throughout the world. This text aims to add value to the drawing as a essential tool of expression, creation, and architectural criticism, that substantiates the design education, especially in the early stages of the degree. For that purpose, we will explain the experience developed at Woodbury University (Los Angeles, CA), where we integrated our graphical methodology based on the drawing, with the teaching experience of the Design Studio Unit throughout the year. The result has been extremely fruitful, and has produce a great enrichment and mutual learning. Throughout the article we analyze the results and find a series of conclusions in order to verify the initial hypotheses in relation to the importance of the drawing in the teaching and the practice of architecture.

Author Biographies

Belén Butragueño Díaz-Guerra, Architectural Graphic Ideation Department ETSAM, School of Architecture of Madrid UPM, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain

Belén Butragueño Díaz-Guerra (Madrid, 1977). PhD in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, ETSAM (2015, International Mention, Degree with Honors, Extraordinary Doctorate Award ETSAM, UPM), Professional MArch Degree in Architecture (ETSAM, 2002, Outstanding). Associate Professor at Graphic Architectural Ideation Department, ETSAM, UPM, since 200. Lecturer at IE Architecture (Segovia) from 2003 to 2007.

Recent publications: Paper: “Information design: communication-design-record.” Publication “De trazos, Huellas e Improntas. Arquitectura, ideación, representación y difusión”. Volume I, Proceedings XVII EGA International Congress (2018). Alicante, Pp. 255-262. Chapter: “Cronocaos: an alternative approach to preservation”, book “Analysis, conservation, and restoration of tangible and intangible cultural heritage” (2018) IGI Global. Paper.: “Practical Theorization in the digital era”, Proceedings II Internat. Conference CriticAll (2018), Madrid, Pp. 46-55. Article.: “Rem Koolhaas: el contexto en el concepto y viceversa.” Revista de Arquitectura, Vol. 22, No. 32 (2017) Concepto – Contexto. Santiago de Chile, Pp. 23-31. Article.: “La arquitectura de lo inmaterial en Rem Koolhaas”, ZARCH Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism Núm. 6. (2016). Zaragoza, Pp. 166-179. Article.: “Lo fundamental como la mayor de las radicalidades. La estrategia de lo genérico.” RITA Journal. Red Fundamentos nº 5 (2016). Madrid, Pp.90-97. Paper.: “Arquigraphies”, 2012. Proceedings XIV EGA International Congress. Yearbook DIGA 2012-13, UPM, 2014. Collection "Dibujo, Proyecto y Arquitectura" (UPM, ETSAM) Arcadia Mediática (2018), with these titles among others:Dibujar, analizar, proyectar" (2010-2017), “Vacíos infraestructurales” vol. 14 (2017), “Articulación de espacios urbanos” vol. 11 (2015), “La ciudad como articulación de espacios complejos y estructuras híbridas”, vol. 8 (2016),

Research areas: Analysis of the different processes of communication, critic and expression in architecture, regarding the new technologies and their implementation in the teaching of architectural drawing.

Javier Francisco Raposo Grau, Architectural Graphic Ideation Department ETSAM, School of Architecture of Madrid UPM, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain

Javier Fco Raposo Grau (Madrid, 1963). PhD in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, ETS of Architecture (2004, Degree with Honors), Professional MArch Degree in Architecture (ETSAM, 1989). Master in Administration and Management of Construction and Real Estate, MDI (ETSAM, UPM, 1991). Senior Lecturer and Director of Architectural Graphic ideation Department, ETSAM, UPM. Active member of the Educational Research and Innovation G. "Hypermedia: Workshop of Architectural Configuration and Communication".

Recent publications: Article.: “In conversation with Emilio Tuñón. Part 1: Drawing to understand. Drawing as a means of analysis and knowledge”. EGA Journal, Vol. 23, No. 32 (2018), Pp 16-35. Paper.: “Oriented Approaches. Graphic operations of architectural thinking”. Publication De trazos, Huellas e Improntas. Arquitectura, ideación, representación y difusión. Vol. II. Proceedings XVII EGA International Congress (2018). Alicante, Pp. 1391-1400. Book: “Estructuras hibridas. Ciudad, arquitectura y paisaje”. Collection Dibujo Proyecto y Arquitectura. Vol. XVI, (2018). Arcadia Mediática, 170 pp. Book: “Dibujar, Analizar, Proyectar (2017)”. Collection Dibujo Proyecto y Arquitectura. Volumen XV, (2018). Arcadia Mediática, 125 pp. Article. “Modelos Virtuales Urbanos 3D para ciudades inteligentes” Informes de la Construcción Magazine, nº 549 (2017), Pp. 549-561. Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción (IETcc-CSIC). Article “Dibujar, procesar, comunicar: El proyectar arquitectónico como origen de un proceso gráfico-plástico. Implicaciones docentes”, EGA Magazine nº 24 (2014), Pp. 92-105. Dep. EGA, UPV. Article “Reflexión sobre la iniciación al proyectar arquitectónico. Metodología para un encadenamiento docente entre el Área de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, y el Área de Proyectos Arquitectónicos”, EGA Magazine, nº 25 (2015), Pp. 88-99. Dep. EGA, UPV. Yearbook DIGA 2012-13, UPM, 2014. Collection "Dibujo, Proyecto y Arquitectura" (CDPA)_UPM-ETSAM, with these titles among others:Dibujar, analizar, proyectar" (2010 to 2017), “Vacíos infraestructurales” (2017).

Research areas: Generation, Transformation and Communication of the Architectural Project: Category Models of Graphics and Images; Narration and Graphic Hybridization. Art and Architecture; Development and Implementation of BIM methodologies for architects

María Asunción Salgado de la Rosa, Architectural Graphic Ideation Department ETSAM, School of Architecture of Madrid UPM, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain

María Asunción Salgado de la Rosa (Madrid, 1970). PhD in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, ETS of Architecture (2004, Degree with Honors), Professional MArch Degree in Architecture (ETSAM, 1995). Assistant Professor at the Graphic Architectural Ideation Department, ETSAM, UPM since 2012. Lecturer at European University of Madrid from 2004 to 2012 and at UAX from 2001 to 2004.

Recent Publications: Own production: “Manifest International Drawing Annual INDA 12”, Pp. 160. Sept 2018. Article.: On the map: strategies of information management in the current mapping”. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3 (2018). Article.: “Drawing of architecture as a criticism instrument. A posmodernal resource”. EGA Journal, Vol. 22 No. 31 (2017). Valencia Pp. 54-65. Article.: “Retórica gráfica. El dibujo del arquitecto como herramienta de comunicación crítica”. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad Journal, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2017). Madrid, Pp. 587-602. Art.: “Action Drawing. A commitment to drawing”. EGA Journal, Vol. 21 No. 28. (2016). Valencia, Pp. 246-257. Article.: “Un retrato de la mujer suburbial en el cine”, Ángulo Recto Magazine, vol 5. Num. 1, 133-148, 2013. UCM. Article. “Arquitecturas de lo invisible. Una salida frente a la posmodernización de la arquitectura”, DC Papers, Revista de crítica y teoría de la arquitectura nº24. (electronic version). Pp. 69-80. 2012. Dep. of Composition in Architecture, UPC. URI Article. “Complejidad y contradicción. El legado gráfico de Superstudio”, EGA Journal, nº 20, Pp. 236-245. Dep. EGA, UPV. Article “Línea, dibujo y comunicación”, EGA Journal nº 18, Pp. 234-241. Dep. EGA, UPV.

Research areas: Review of the relationship between architecture, the new media (cinema, video, art) and new technologies; Review of the new communication modes applied to the architectural drawing. Hybridizations of the graphic language applied to architecture; Teaching of the drawing in the field of Architecture's teaching.


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