Teaching innovation through Information and Communication Technologies


  • María Isabel Alba Dorado Universidad de Málaga




At present we observe how the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) constitute pedagogical tools of great interest. These configure a new paradigm that imposes changes in the way of conceiving the teaching-learning process based on the use of technology in favor of teaching. The present article aims to show the development of an innovative teaching experience in the area of Architectural Projects through the use of the blog and social networks. The results obtained show how the use of ICT in the teaching of the architectural project encourages student creativity, streamlines and makes more interactive the teacher-student and student-student relationship, encourages training outside the classical classroom, increases autonomy in the student, it encourages a greater involvement of the students in their training and favors their personal motivation, their capacity for reflection and analysis and, therefore, their ability to learn.

Author Biography

María Isabel Alba Dorado, Universidad de Málaga

Profesora ayudante doctor. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.

Departamento de Arte y Arquitectura


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