The ‘enabling’ master in architecture, an opportunity for an experiential learning


  • Roger Joan Sauquet Llonch Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Marta Serra Permanyer Univestitat Politècnica de Catalunya



The schools of architecture have recently converted the former Final Project in a one year ‘enabling’ master. This is a colateral efect of the adecuation of the spanish universitarian studies in the european reglamentation. The Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès (ETSAV) treated to implement a pedagogical model that permits to learn from the interaction with ‘the people’ and from the construction experimentation. The paper reviews the theoretical basis of this model and makes a critical approach of the three first years of the ETSAV ‘enabling’ master.

Author Biographies

Roger Joan Sauquet Llonch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Associated Professor in the Architectural Design Department. Member of HABITAR research group. Coordinator/Director of the Máster Unversitario en Arquitectura of the ETSAV-UPC

Marta Serra Permanyer, Univestitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Assistant Professor in the Theory, History and Comunication Department. Is member of CICLICA. Teacher on the Máster Universitario en Arquitectura of the ETSAV-UPC.


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