Experimental studio TRA-NE: transfers between research, learning and professional practice





The experimental studio TRA-NE is a teaching experience that is taught as an elective course at the master's program in ETSAB (UPC), based on an active learning in which by comparing case studies from different time contexts (XX-XXI) and taking the classroom as a laboratory, students investigate and share strategies for representing exemplary projects. This communication aims to spread the innovative teaching initiative, showing the foundations of a workshop that promotes the potential of architectural representation as tools to obtain knowledge. Their confrontation in different temporal contexts provides a surprise factor such as the unexpected relationships of the work of Zenghelis-Dogma, or the suggestive affinities in the Price-Langarita / Navarro inquiry. So, through observation, thought and debate; the student is able to assimilate architectures, understanding them as a language and favors the ability to apply this knowledge adequately in their Diploma project or in their future professional practice.


Author Biographies

Isabel Zaragoza de Pedro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Assistant Professor SHP (Serra Húnter Program), Department of Architectural Representation. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate in Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB). She won the Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad Fellowship Grant to research in GSD (Harvard). Her research is focused in the area of architectural representation in ADR&M (UPC). She has published several scientific articles in indexed journals and papers and received the research Prize of XIV Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo with Jesús Esquinas Dessy (coauthor). Her architectural work – the result of awards in architectural competitions – has been published in specialized reviews and shown in exhibitions

Héctor Mendoza Ramirez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Assistant Professor. Department of Architectural Representation


MONEO, Rafael, 2017. Lecciones desde Barcelona 1971-1976. Rafael Moneo. Una manera de enseñar arquitectura. Edición de GARCÃA ESTÉVEZ, Carolina B. Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya y Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona.

SOLANGUREN-BEASCOA, Félix, 2017. Investigar en arquitectura. Valencia: General de Ediciones de Arquitectura

ATELIER Bow-Wow with HAYS, K. Michael; 2017. Architectural ethnography: Atelier Bow-Wow. Edición de SIGLER, Jennifer. Cambridge, USA: Harvard University Graduate School of Design




