Fictional Architecture: Lateral Thinking for Social Design of Space




This article shows a pedagogical experience that puts into practice speculative design tools developed with university degree students in art and design. It is an approach to critical design that tries to avoid the production of space or objects within the conventions of the market to bet on creations that mobilize the debate around fundamental issues that deserve our concern and commitment. To do so, strategies are used that go beyond the limits of design and that propose a narrative dialogue with reality. Therefore, the tools used deepen the ability to enunciate groundbreaking messages regarding the dominant narratives of the future, often loaded with social injustices not visible and focused on the privileges of the Western world. The method demonstrates a lateral approach to the creative fact that enhances social values.

Author Biography

David Hernández Falagán, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Profesor asociado al Departamento de Teoria i Història de l'Arquitectura i Tècniques de Comunicació de la UPC.


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