The map and the territory. Prospective cartographies for flexible and transversal teaching


  • Raimundo Bambó-Naya University of Zaragoza
  • Miguel Sancho-Mir University of Zaragoza
  • Isabel Ezquerra University of Zaragoza



Graphic Architectural Expression and Urban and Territorial Planning areas of the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza teach jointly the optional subject Mapping Urbanism in the fifth year of the Degree in Architecture. Complementing the transversality that defines the Degree Studies, in which the project acts as the axis, this subject proposes a collaborative approach in which the project, although present, does not play that central role. This paper exposes this teaching experience raised from transversality, in which the two areas involved work in parallel, with a flexible methodology based on the active and cooperative learning of students, which uses prospective cartography as a design tool and incorporates ICT tools for a critical analysis of urban and territorial reality.

Author Biographies

Raimundo Bambó-Naya, University of Zaragoza

Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Área de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio
Unidad Predepartamental de Arquitectura
Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Universidad de Zaragoza

Miguel Sancho-Mir, University of Zaragoza

Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Área de Expresión Gráfica
Unidad Predepartamental de Arquitectura
Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Universidad de Zaragoza

Isabel Ezquerra, University of Zaragoza

Investigadora predoctural
Área de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio
Unidad Predepartamental de Arquitectura
Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Universidad de Zaragoza


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