Looking for the necessary questionnaire for the study of architecture didactics





This communication is presented in the scope of the doctoral thesis “Audit to the didactis of architecture” developed by the author at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de A Coruña, a work that wants to be a review of the teaching of architecture, in a moment when the universities are launching professionals trained in a new curriculum based in the Bologna Plan. We are living a generational change and it seems appropriate to check the results of this formation, being able to compare the different architecture schools of the Iberian Peninsula with the same pattern. The main part of this work is to develop and implement a questionnaire, whose target is the students of a representative selection of twelve architecture schools in Spain and Portugal.

Author Biography

Luis Manuel Santalla Blanco, Universidade da Coruña

Arquitecto miembro de Flu-or S.C. desde 2013.

Doctorando en Universidade da Coruña sobre Didáctica en Arquitectura


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