Form and function in Mathematics


  • Rafael Rivera Herráez Urbanism Department. Universitat Plitècnica de València
  • Macarena Trujillo Guillén Applied Mathematics Department. Universitat Politècnica de València



In this communication we present an interdisciplinary experience carried out in the Metemáticas 2 subject which belongs to the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture (Universitat Politècnica de València). We used as the main topic the relationship between function and form. Specifically, the experience we made related mathematical expressions which define different conical curves and quadric surfaces with their functionality. The topic was discussed by means of seminars, visits and workshops, and ended with a group work whose objective was the design of the chess pieces. The particularity and main characteristic of the work was that the representation of the curves and surfaces used in the design should only be done using the equations that define these forms. The main results of the experience focused on an increase in motivation, participation and student performance.


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