Learning construction through challenges: awakening consciences, building intuitions





In the professional practice, the architect faces challenges in which integrated analysis, creativity and decision making are essential skills. Concepts, procedures, regulations and case studies are essential, but always accompanied by the acquisition of skills and attitudes that guarantee their training to respond to the challenges that society demands. This communication presents an experience of teaching innovation through the Methodological Model "Proyect based Learning" with a motivating "Social Challenge" carried out in the subject Construction of the 2nd year of the degree in Architecture at the university of Seville with the aim of motivating students with the project of a house in a refugee camp, making the architect's role in relation to the habitability conditions of the built environment and at work with the resources available to modify the optimization of the envelope understood.

Author Biographies

Ángela Barrios-Padura, University of Seville

Associate professor. Department of architectural Construction I. School of Architecture. University of Seville.

Rosa Ana Jiménez-Expósito, University of Seville.

PhD Student. Department of architectural Construction I. School of Architecture. University of Seville.

Antonio José Serrano-Jiménez, University of Seville

PhD Student. Department of architectural Construction I. School of Architecture. University of Seville.


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