Transversality and Common Ground between Architecture, Design Thinking and Teaching Innovation


  • Juan Sádaba Fernández University of the Basque Country



We are currently facing a new social and technological situation that demands a different and renewed approach to the way we teach architecture and design as a whole. It is not the first time that the economic and social situation triggers a crucial shift in the way we understand this matter. Learning from the Bauhaus (stepping onto industrial design), the school of Ulm (new step onto non-tangible design) and Design Thinking as an outcome and commercial product consequence of the ‘design rationale’ of those years of the twentieth century, we can build over the foundations of the classical architecture design studio practice, a set of exercises, methodologies and a general approach in order to handle the future of architectural teaching. Today, we can merge the experiences of Bauhaus and Ulm, Design Thinking and the classical architectural teaching to frame a coherent and holistic approach to architecture and design.


Author Biography

Juan Sádaba Fernández, University of the Basque Country

Department of Architecture

Assistant Professor. Architecture Design Studio


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