Teaching Matriosk: a pedagogical experiment at MACA ETSAM





Educational Matrioska collects the pedagogical experience of the subject: "Academic Project" of the Master's Degree in Architectural Communication (MACA) as specialized training of the Doctorate in Architectural Communication of the ETSAM-UPM. The main objective of the subject is "how to teach to teach", as part of the learning of architectural communication. It is a 45-credit subject, which develops intensively in two consecutive weeks. After the first three editions of this subject: Matrioska (16-17), Madrid Heroes and Vilains (17-18) and Mestizo Madrid (18-19), we analyze the successes and mistakes of an innovative pedagogical experiment, which tries to give tools for teaching through empowerment, self-learning and self-knowledge of students so that they can enhance their abilities to address new challenges in real-time practical teaching to other students (learn by doing), reversing roles and eliminating hierarchies.

Author Biographies

José de Coca Leicher, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Departamento ideación gráfica Arquitectónica. ETSAM Madrid

María Mallo Zurdo

Departamento ideación gráfica Arquitectónica. ETSAM Madrid

Ángela Ruíz Plaza, ETSAM.Madrid

Departamento Ideación Grafica. ETSAM Madrid. Profesora Asociada.// Professor and Internship Director IE University.// CEO Atipical


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