What should we teach? Reflection on the Professional Master of Architecture





Yuval Noah Harari proposes Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity as key issues for teaching in the 21st century. The Professional Master of ETSABarcelona, during the 4 years between 2015 and 2019, has had these four issues as the backbone of the methodology implemented. The principle has been that not only does it have to prepare future architects for their approval as independent professionals, but it has to check the degree of maturity, the ability of these students to function in complex contemporary situations: the periphery of the city of Barcelona, border situations, new users, reprogramming of obsolete industrial spaces, hybrid programs, etc.

Author Biography

Jaime Coll López, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Jaime COLL (Palma Mallorca, 1964) es Dr. Arquitecto, (ETSABarcelona 1994), Premio Extraordinario de doctorado (1996). Becario en la Fondation Le Corbusier en Paris (1993) y Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Fellow en Columbia University (1994-96).  Desde 1998 es Profesor Titular de Proyectos en la ETSABarcelona.


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