Cities and memory. Mechanisms of plastic experimentation in heritage landscapes




The heritage is built as a collective memory, a palimpsest of architectural, pictorial, poetic, landscape, plastic memories, of the memory of the place itself and of the sedimentary memories of the viewer, but also of the memories of the students who investigate and experiment for themselves. In The invisible cities, Italo Calvino builds 55 urban landscapes that play with matter, times and forms, and are taken as archetypes that are projected in a series of real landscapes. The workshop operational methodology makes use of a literary resource, the cadavre exquis of the French surrealists, a sequenced narrative turned into a plastic mechanism, which replaces the texts with fragments of the landscape that ultimately make up a large model. Based on this experimental methodology, a series of workshops have been carried out during these years, with the participation of teachers and students of different educational levels.

Author Biographies

Carlos Rodríguez Fernández, University of Valladolid (Spain)

PhD. Architect.
LABPAP. Architectural, Heritage and Cultural Landscape Lab.
Department of Theory of Architecture and Architectural Design
School of Architecture of Valladolid. 

Sagrario Fernández Raga, University of Valladolid (Spain)

PhD. Architect.
LABPAP. Architectural, Heritage and Cultural Landscape Lab.
Department of Theory of Architecture and Architectural Design
School of Architecture of Valladolid.

Gemma Ramón-Cueto, Universidad de Valladolid

Coordinadora del Proyecto de Innovación Docente Espacios de Ingenio y Secretaria Académica de la ETSAVA Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valladolid


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