Re-anthropizing abandoned landscapes




The teaching methodology proposed, aims to increment a reflexive phase prior to the start of the design projects. The proposed teaching approach is analysed based on a specific exercise carried out on a former agricultural land already abandoned. Trying to avoid a approach straight from design analysis of a landscape and the different elements to be built, instead approaching the project from a deep understanding of a “landscape” attitude (in terms of Berque). To achieve this, questions were raised like: How to return to productive landscapes through technological innovation that are can be a global and sustainable alternative? And how to do it without losing the perspective and critical vision associated to architects, when nowadays, this relationship has become more complex, and needs to consider sustainability, climate change, and the empowerment of circular economies as landscape design parameters?

Author Biographies

Evelyn Alonso Rohner, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

BA (hons) and Pg. Dip. in Architecture (RIBA), University of Westminster London, PhD (international, cum laude) University of Las Palmas de GC. Senior partner at Alonso+ Sosa Architects.

Evelyn´s professional career started in London, but in 2001 she moved to Gran Canaria where she opened her first office. Over the years she has had many successful entries such as the Gold Medal in the Miami Beach Biennial, the Bering Strait International Competition, the refurbishment of the Basílica de Nuestra Merced (by Oíza y Gutiérrez 1949) or San Ginés where she explored trans-disciplinary working in the context of the urban space. In 2011 she merged her office with José Antonio Sosa.


She part time teaches a unit at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and has been invited as a Guest critic at GSD Harvard University, European University and KIT (Karlsruher Institute für Technologie) as well as giving conferences at other universities like Genova, Miami or Madrid. She has also been a jury member for awards and competitions such as the premio Oraa.

Her work and articles have appeared in many magazines such as Future Arquitecturas, Arquitectura Viva, Rita (by Redfundamentos), ESTOA, and books by editorials such as Silvana Editoriale and  Tirant Lo Blanch.

Her work has been exhibited in exhibitions around the world, from Seoul to Canada and is currently preparing a piece for the BIAU XI (Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo) in Asunción (Paraguay).

First prize Arquia Thesis 2017, "The Infrathin: Fragile Actions and Projects".

José Antonio Sosa Díaz Saavedra, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

BA and Postgraduate in Architecture (Technical University of Madrid), Phd in Architecture and Full Professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, visiting scholar at the University of Harvard, 2000, Guest Critic, at ETH Zürich, Studio Basel, 2005. Senior partner at Nred arquitectos and Alonso + Sosa Architects.

He has taken part in several exhibitions, such as Hard & Soft, Eight Floor Gallery, (New York, 1997), Bienal (DakÁrt, 2004), Sao Paulo Architecture Biennial, (Brasil, 2005), “Regeneration Strategy”. (Beijing, 2007),  “Refabricating City “ Shenzhen & -Hongkong Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture (Hong Kong, 2007), ”Sustainable Building” (Melbourne, 2008), “Una Ciudad Llamada España” (Athens, 2010/ Moscow, 2011),  Nred Arquitectos, Gabinete Literario (Las Palmas, 2006/ Tenerife, 2007), AEDES Gallery (Berlin, 2008), En Proceso (Galería Saro Leon 2018)

 His work has been warded the first prize in architectural competitions such as the Rehabilitation of the Gabinete Literario (1997), Rehabilitation of the Town Hall of Palmas de Gran Canaria (1998-2002), Venegas Public Square (2001), New Judicial Headquarter in  Las Palmas (2004), Puerto del Rosario Waterfront (2005), Competition for the La Regenta Art Center (2005). Competition for the Train Station in Playa del Inglés (2011)

 His work has been published in numerous specialized journals, Quaderns, BASA, Arquitectura (Madrid), Architecti, ON, Arquitectura Viva, Arquitectos, Domus China, DETAIL, Transfer… as well as several monographic books like “ABSTRACT NATURES” (AEDES, Berlin, 2008) or “Confluences”, Silvana Ed. Milano 2018 and has published many critical essays in prestigious magazines and books.

 He is also a member of the RACBA (Real Academia Canaria de Bellas Artes) from 2014.


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