Architecture and conflict in Ahmedabad, India. Teaching beyond normative bodies




This paper makes visible a teaching method developed at CEPT University (Ahmedabad, India), throughout 16 weeks, in which our teaching team, and fifteen Indian students, analyzed, tested and proposed solutions in a territory -Bhadra Fort Precincts- whose conflict lies in the imposition of spatial forms unsuitable for the context. The rejection of these impositions -normative architectures and programs- creates unrecognised spatialities - rebellious architectures- led by subaltern bodies. These inhabitants, far from the norm, claim their identities through these singular constructions, which, close to survival and/or crime, are rejected and made invisible by competent designers and institutions. The first part will explain the teaching programme "Rebel Bodies Rebel Cities", the aim of which was to provide real solutions to these conflicts, and finally, to present two teaching experiences that addressed, with disparate results, the spatial conditions of the conflict: "DGEI", in Detroit, and "Harvard Project on the City", in Lagos.

Author Biography

Víctor Cano Ciborro, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. UPM.

PhD Candidate. Advanced Architectural Design. ETSAM. UPM.

Teaching and Research Fellowship 2018. CEPT University. Ahmedabad. India. 


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