Water and citizenship: didactic strategy for training in climate change scenarios





Facing the imminent process of change in climatic conditions and the scarcity of water resources in the city of Santiago de Chile, the opportunity to explore how citizen participation could operate as a didactic strategy for the architect training is presented. Through a social innovation project, new abilities and knowledge are developed in order to face the socio-environmental conflicts linked to the increase of the drought in the city. The instance seeks to explore participatory strategies for the recovery of rainwater in public spaces of the city allowing different levels of student’s involvement in a professional project. The aim is to explore the architect's new role as a mediator between the inhabitants and the interdisciplinary teams, creating the collaborative and participatory work environment of the future.

Author Biographies

Rosa Chandia-Jaure, Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana

Architect, Master and Dr. (c) in Architecture Energy and Environment, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Academic Assistant of the Department of Planning and Territorial Planning, teacher in the lines of Architecture and Environment and Sustainability, at the School of Architecture of the Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile.

Daniela Godoy-Donoso, Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana

Architect, Universidad de Chile, MSc Urban Regeneration, The Bartlett School of Planning University College London. Academic Assistant of the Department of Planning and Territorial Planning and teaching in the lines of Territory and Urbanism and Architecture Workshop of the School of Architecture of the Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana.  She is a founding partner of Ingenova Consultores, where she directs the participatory design line from 2010 to date.


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