The architecture studio beyond Donald Schön´s traditional approach




The architectural education was not theorized until the contributions made by Donald Schön in the 1980s, since then his pedagogical ideas on learning theory and practice have been dominant in the training of professionals. However, the model has suffered severe criticism over the last decade, especially for presenting the student as a passive observer, rather than an active learner. The present proposal investigates learning styles, as a way of understanding the individual characteristics that influence the learning of our students and presents an action research that leads to a didactic where students autonomously travel  through the project process. These didactics that incorporate the body (kinesthetic) aimed at students with active and sensing learning style preferences, have been a good gateway to the concepts on the architect training. Also, the tendency that demonstrates the difficulty of the active group on the architecture studio performance has been reversed.

Author Biography

Eric Arentsen Morales, Universidad Austral de Chile

Prodecano Facultad de Arquitectura y Artes 

Académico Instituto de Arquitectura y Urbanismo

Miembro Comité Editorial  Revista AUS


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