Show me Malaga: A tour through the history of architecture guided by students


  • Víctor Miguel González Vera EADE Universidad



Focused on the research into the contribution and benefits of teaching History of Architecture to Interior Design students, this paper exhibits an educational experience conducted in Malaga. During a semester, the class is divided into teams and they are each proposed to investigate a building. At the end of the semester, the students take the lead and become tour guides in a visit to the building along with their schoolmates. They self-evaluate their learning while they also assess the performances of their colleagues. The results show a high rate of learning perception: it is confirmed that the students acknowledge a good learning of historical concepts, there is a better expertise about local architecture values, and they are capable of transmitting their knowledge to the class improving their own learning. Hence, group learning is present, which improves social integration. The experience can be exported to other towns.

Author Biography

Víctor Miguel González Vera, EADE Universidad

Profesor Ayudante


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