Challenges of online evaluation in the Architecture University Learning


  • Belen Onecha Perez Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
  • Javier Sanz Prat Polytechnic University of Catalonia
  • Daniel López Valdés Polytechnic University of Catalonia



The present situation caused by covid-19 pandemic have forced the traditionally in-person university teaching to turn into on-line teaching. One of the main consequences is a specific challenge related to on-line evaluation in order to keep the same validity. In the particular case of architecture learning, graduates are enabled to develop a high responsibility career, therefore it is essential to rethink the strategies in order to avoid the potential fraud. This paper describes and analyses the methods applied in a first year technical subject, pointing the pros and cons of each type of evaluation tests. All over understanding that teaching methodology and educational goals must prevail over technological solutions, and there should be used formative instead of  summative assessment.

Author Biographies

Belen Onecha Perez, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)

Serra Hunter professor at Architecture Technology Department, UPC

Javier Sanz Prat, Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Associate professor at Architecture Technology Department, UPC

Daniel López Valdés, Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Associate professor at Architecture Technology Department, UPC


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