Key elements of a solid foundation that structures architectural teaching




The results of a survey carried out among the students of 7 schools in the Iberian Peninsula are presented. A total of 1,255 people responded to the questionnaire designed to study the profile of new students and their position within the education system. The teaching methods that follow the guidelines of the Bologna Plan are questioned, seeking their opinions on the other components of the didactic process: the teaching staff, the school and the curriculum itself. The importance of this study resides in obtaining and comparing responses, between public and private, traditional and recently created schools, with a few dozen students or thousands, in Spain and Portugal. The analysis of results will conclude with a series of key elements that can improve teaching, introducing changes in the curriculum, in the school or in the relationship between teacher and student.

Author Biography

Luis Manuel Santalla-Blanco

Arquitecto por la UDC en 2013. Realizando la tesis doctoral "Auditoría a la didáctica de la arquitectura". Socio de Flu-or Arquitectura.


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VITRUVIO POLLION. M.De Architectura Libri Decem, Amsterdam, 1649




