Collaborative Pedagogy and Social Networks. Design in Quarantine




This communication, framed in the thematic proposal 'Confined teaching: remote learning', analyzes the experience of the subject Design Culture: Architecture and Exhibition, which is part of the inter-university Master's program in design advanced studies MBDesign (UPC + UB) taught in Barcelona. The health emergency and the consequent confinement —which has required non-face-to-face teaching for most of the semester calendar— has led to the exploration of alternatives in relation to pedagogical methods, modifying in turn the contents of the subject. Collaborative online work and social networks have in this case become learning channels as an alternative to the face-to-face model. The result allows the analysis of teaching qualities related to collaborative activities and the dissolution of hierarchies related to the physical learning space.

Author Biography

David Hernández Falagán, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Serra Húnter Fellow, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of Architecture


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