Architectural Design with Exposed Concrete. Rethinking materiality in times of COVID-19
This communication explains the work developed in two optional subjects that are included in the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture (ETSA-UPV) called Design Studio with White Concrete and Materialization of the Architectural Design. The main aim of these two subjects is to experience the material condition of exposed white concrete architecture as well as the implications of the building process in the design phase. The text analyses the pedagogy bases, the teaching contents, the methodology, the tools and outcomes of the subjects, which due to the state of alarm have been greatly re-formulised, although they share the same objective: students design and build models of exposed concrete architecture. To achieve this, a pre and post COVID-19 comparative is outlined in order to draw conclusions that not only anticipate a near future, but new challenges for on-line education relative to the practical teaching of architectural design.
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