Precision in the choice and development of the final master's thesis for effective job placement.




The decision to study a master's degree in architecture is marked by the employability, desired by both the students and the universities. The actions that the universities articulate to achieve this do not have the potential during the training stage that the Final Master Thesis (FMT) already incorporates a real transfer capacity that entails employment associated with the specificity of the graduate, in terms of subject matter and skills. The University Master's Degree in Sustainable City and Architecture of the ETS Architecture of Seville has created a teaching innovation protocol for employability. Its results, despite being still a novel procedure, show its potential, to be combined with the usual ones, such as business practices, mentoring, entrepreneurship, etc. The profile of the architect, today, so unadjusted in society, has in this guideline within the FMTs, a possibility of refining the role it plays in it.

Author Biographies

Carlos Tapia Martin, University of Seville

PhD. architect and Professor (tenured full time civil servant) at Department of History, Theory and Architectural Composition in the Higher Technical School of Architecture in Seville, Spain. Invited professor at Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo. Vice-director of the Master in Sustainable city and Architecture (U. Seville) and member of the doctorate programme (U. Seville). He is an investigator of the Network of Sociospatial Studies RESE (University of Antioquia, Colombia) and of the Institute of Architecture and Building Science (IUACC) at University of Seville. In addition, he is a researcher of the group OUT_Arquias, investigation in the limits of the architecture. He investigates the 'symptoms of contemporaneity', and in this moment, he develops two related investigations: 'Critique and Epistemology of Future City’s Dream' and 'Space and Negativity'.

Jorge Minguet Medina, University of Málaga

He (PhD MArch, Architect) teaches Architectural Design at the School of Architecture at the University of Málaga. He has also been invited speaker at several masters, repeatedly included the MCAS. His book “(Aspectos de) La Arquitectura después de Bretton Woods” – “(Glimpses from) The Architecture after Bretton Woods”- was recently awarded with the XIV Spanish Architectural Biennal (2018). He is also author of a number of contributions to relevant and international reviews and congresses, as well as member of the research group OUT-Arquias (research on the boundaries of architecture, HUM-853).
His doctoral research “Obliteration in Late-Capitalism’s Architecture”, achieving top qualifications and international mention, moves forward from the aforementioned book in studying the obliterating (erasing, forgetting, misguiding, manipulative) character of the relationships among Late Capitalism and Architecture (or, might be said, the way in which the first shapes the second). He is also an experienced architectural practitioner that has dealt with many different aspects of the profession, excelled as big teams’ leader, and specialized in educational projects.


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