On transhuman augmented filters. HYPERFILTER, a pedagogy for FOMO Action.





The impact of digital technology on the human being feeds new embodiments of the subject that overlaps physical and digital categories, as in the case of Instagram filters. The concepts of extremphilia and planetary computing, which formed the backbone of the Festival of Critical Technologies and Digital Adventures TENTACULAR 2019, constituted the theoretical basis of the HYPERFILTER teaching innovation project developed in the Virtual Project Module at MACA UPM University Master's Degree in Architectural Communication, whose pedagogy aimed at the design and installation of FOMO, the closing action of the festival. The teaching experience described below responds from the augmented reality format of Instagram masks to the two key concepts explored at the festival.

Author Biography

Eduardo Roig Segovia, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Adjunct Professor, IGA Department, ETSAM School of Architecture, UPM

Academic Secretary, Master's Degree in Architectural Communication, UPM


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