Conversational Learning


  • Laura Barrientos Turrión Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid



The concept of conversational teaching arise from David Kolb's aspiration to explore a new approach to teaching and learning based on theory and experimental practice.  This article describes the journey from the tacit and intuitive notions of a conversation, elaborates on its mechanisms to apply it as a methodology in learning the architectural project.  This method is implemented in the Tuñón unit, in the subject of architectural projects 5-6, third year of the ETSAM-UPM.  The methodology is applied in three formats: active conversation, transcribed conversation and global conversation, interpreted as a provisional representation.  It is intended to question the effectiveness of the traditional design studio as a discursive learning environment, leading to based on this diversity of conversations, provide the student with tools to be able to visualize and interact with their architectural production in different environments and with different actors.

Author Biography

Laura Barrientos Turrión, Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid

Architect, Tutor in architectural projects department, ETSAM-UPM


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