Me, you, us and time in the inhabited space




The architectural design course presented here, takes place in the first years of the architectural studies curriculum, and seeks to introduce the student to the inhabited space as a non-quantitative and neutral entity, but as a highly qualified one, full of meaning, experience and emotion. To do this, we start by exploring and becoming conscious of the long experience we all have as inhabitants, by exercising our own way of life from childhood, to observe it in detail, analyse it and put it in crisis, and also into value. This initiatory exercise allows us to build the 'I dwell'. We start from this introspection to be able to build the 'we' and finally link up with 'the commons' through dialogue, conflict and achievement. Different scales of relationships and ways of life that enable us to develop a variation of design skills linked to contemporary life in the existing city and in the city to come.

Author Biographies

Eva Morales Soler, Universidad de Málaga

Departamento de Arte y Arquitectura, Área de Proyectos Arquitectónicos. Profesora asociada.

Jorge Minguet Medina, Universidad de Málaga

Departamento de Arte y Arquitectura, Área de Proyectos Arquitectónicos. Profesor Sustituto Interino.


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