The skin of Samantha: presence and space. Teaching innovation proposal in Design




This text presents a teaching innovation proposal called The skin of Samantha, which was applied in a subject belonging to the Design Degree of a Catalan University. The subject was called Computing and was taught in the second year of the Interior Design Degree in 2018/2019. The learning of technological tools at the university is an obsolete purpose because of the inherent intuition of the Z Generation students. Consequently, it was proposed a paradigm shift of the subject, consisted of a real horizon. The students reflected on the relation between technology-humanity and worked on atmospheres by means of a projectable briefing. Everything was invoked by Samantha, the main character of a movie titled Her. Being an operating system, she wishes the innate human condition: to experience the world. The aim of the project was to exceed the screen border and to build an immediate future: the emptiness of the hyperconnectivity.

Author Biography

Alicia Fernández Barranco, Universidad de Navarra

PhD Candidate

Programa de Doctorado Creatividad Aplicada

Departamento de Proyectos, Teoría y Urbanismo

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura y Diseño

Universidad de Navarra


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[Consulta: 05 de septiembre de 2020]

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