Screen Generation: Living in the Time of Confinement




Representing sensitive experiences through audiovisual media is part of the modus vivendi of the screen generation. The use of prior knowledge of the image manipulation tools has allowed the students to concentrate the learning’s intensity on the narrative’s definition. This format provides great virtues, such as increased self-criticism and analytical capacity of the senses, or the promotion of multimodal teamwork. Incorporating them into pedagogy provided the students with a means of transmitting experiences lived in the inhabited space during confinement. The diversity of approaches in the delivered proposals was reflected in the subjectivity of the narratives, the techniques, the resources, and the spaces used.

Author Biographies

Jordi de-Gispert-Hernandez, ETSAV / ELISAVA

ETSAV - Representación arquitectónica

ELISAVA - Proyectos: representación y comunicación

Ramon García-Ortega, ELISAVA

ELISAVA - Proyectos: representación y comunicación


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