Real or Virtual Model as an Integrative Design Studio Tool




The main objective of this paper is determining the pedagogical utility of the architectural model in two possible formats, physical and virtual, having as a field of study the Taller Integrado de Proyectos (hereinafter, TIP) of the fifth year of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, and under the experience of the recent confinement due to the global COVID-19 pandemia. The weaknesses and strengths of both formats are differentiated and analyzed depending on the time of the project's temporal development, the availability of means, the nature of the TIP, the group or individual work and the adaptation of the teaching to remote modes, as well as its applicability in relation to the technical subjects that define the project. To prepare this paper, a survey has been drawn up and sent to professors from other national and international Schools of Architecture, who have also been invited to the TIP on some occasion. Questions and results, as well as comments by the 32 definitive participants, are included as an appendix.

Author Biographies

Jorge Tárrago Mingo, Universidad de Navarra

Professor at the Department of Projects, Urbanism, Theory and History at the School of Architecture at the Universidad de Navarra. In charge of Creative Management Field.

César Martín Gómez, Universidad de Navarra

Professor at the Department of Construction, Facilities and Structures at the School of Architecture at the Universidad de Navarra.

Asier Santas Torres, Universidad de Navarra

Professor at the Department of Projects, Urbanism, Theory and History at the School of Architecture at the Universidad de Navarra. In charge of Urban Management Field.

César Azcárate Gómez, Universidad de Navarra

Professor at the Department of Projects, Urbanism, Theory and History at the School of Architecture at the Universidad de Navarra.


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