Architectural teaching in Chile. Pedagogical actions with innovative potential


  • Rodrigo Lagos Vergara Universidad del Bío-Bío
  • Macarena Barrientos Diaz Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María



Since 2000, the structures and university dynamics have tended to a standardization of certain internal processes of Chilean schools of architecture. At the same time, a more informed and demanding profile of student has challenged both public policies and disciplinary pedagogy. Thus, teachers, more valued for their scientific productivity than for their practice – and from their clumsy institution to attend student demands- have acted rather reactively. However, from regional contexts, three workshops emerge presenting pedagogical actions -in the radical line of the 60’s- that challenge normative thinking; while interrogating and reorganizing disciplinary aspects from the training base of architects. With an innovative potential, they bet on another form of teacher-student and practice-research relationship that, from a flexible organization, they get to build community through the project. In this communication, these dimensions will allow us to describe and characterize these workshop experiences’ and their respective pedagogical actions.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo Lagos Vergara, Universidad del Bío-Bío

Profesor Asociado del Departamento Diseño y teoría de la Arquitectura

Macarena Barrientos Diaz, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María

Académica Departamento de Arquitectura


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