A curious case of tree fork. Madrid and Ahmedabad. Aula coopera [Spain/in/India]
After several years of experience in the development of Cooperation Final Projects, during the mentally distant summer of 2019 two Siamese courses were held, one in Spain and the other in India. Both were organized by the aula coopera [Spain/in/India] registered in the Research Group Cultura del Hábitat of the DPA ETSAM UPM. Urban Consdensers. Updating heritage areas sprouted from the same conceptual trunk with two pro-active and complementary cooperation grafts in close collaboration with the NGO Brihati Foundation. An alternative way to undertake the teaching-learning processes in architectural projects operating from the in situ experience of inhabiting the culture and the areas of intervention. A progressive and cumulative sequential process - observe, analyze, act - for the development of viable and adequate proposals that promote social progress. A curious case of fork tree.References
AAVV. (2009). Habita India = Inhabit India. Madrid: Colectivo Garam Masala. Editorial Mairea Libros. Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-92641-05-8.
AAVV. (2012). Sistemas cooperativos: aula PFC Semipresencial Aranguren. Madrid: Editorial Mairea Libros. Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-940411-9-8.
FINKEL, Don. (2008). Dar clase con la boca cerrada. Valencia: Universitat de València. ISBN: 978-84-370-7268-5.
JOHNSON, D.W., JOHNSON, R.T., HOLUBEC, E. (1999). El aprendizaje cooperativo en el aula. Buenos Aires: Paidos Ibérica.