Call for proposals


CALL JIDA'24 (XI edition)

Between analog and digital

The twelfth Workshop on Educational Innovation in Architecture (JIDA’24), which will take place on the 21 and 22 November 2024, will be held at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC/EIF/GFA), with the collaboration of the Fundación Arquia and Iniciativa Digital UPC.

PROGRAM (download)

POSTER (download)

The JIDA (Workshop on Educational Innovation in Architecture) is an open meeting point for professors who are developing innovative initiatives in learning and teaching architecture. The Workshop aims to exchange and disseminate experiences, research and other issues in architecture (architectural design, urban planning, technology, drawing, history, etc.) and related disciplines (anthropology, cinema, photography, dance, etc.). The Workshop aims to be a national and international cross-disciplinary forum that brings together teaching practices and different points of view. In short, its purpose is to combine synergies and improve the quality of architects’ training.

The previous eleven editions of the Workshop, from 2013, have been attended by teaching staff from 45 Spanish schools and 60 foreign universities. The first three editions were held were held at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC); the fourth edition at the Valencia School of Architecture (ETSA-UPV); the fifth at the Technical High School of Architecture of Seville (ETSA-US), with the sponsorship of the Official Association of Architects of Seville (COAS) and the collaboration of the journal JOTSE; the sixth at the School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA) of the University of Zaragoza, with the collaboration of the Official Association of Architects of Aragon (COAA) and the journal Zarch; and the seventh at the Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM) with the collaboration of COAM and the journal CPA (DPA-ETSAM). The last ones in 2020, virtual, at the School of Málaga eAM'-UMA, with the collaboration of Recolectores Urbanos, eAM’ Tech-Lab and UMA editorial and the last ones in 2021 at the ETSAVA-UVA School of Valladolid, with the collaboration of the Official College of Architects of Castilla y León this COACYLE/VALLADOLID. The tenth was held at the Reus School of Architecture EAR URV, with the collaboration of the Colegio oficial de Arquitectos de Catalunya (demarcación Tarragona). The eleventh was held at the School of Architecture of Granada ETSAG-UGR. Since 2016, the workshop has been sponsored by the Fundación Caja de Arquitectos.

Datos bibliográficos
Depósito legal: B 9090-2014
ISBN: 978-84-9880-681-6
ISSN: 2462-571X
All the papers have de DOI and Handle
All proceedings will be submitted for evaluation and indexing in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics) and so far all from 2013 to 2021 are indexed.
Cataloged in Dialnet, Dimension, DULCINEA, Google Scholar, MIAR, REDIB, ROAD, UPCommons
Considered as Notable Congress UPC

Organization and submissions

The Workshop is managed through an OJS platform. You need to register in advance in order to send your proposals and final communications. Submissions will undergo blind peer review by the scientific committee through the platform. Submissions that do not strictly comply with the guidelines for authors will not be considered.
You have to attach your file in the “Communications” area and it must be based on the template provided without personal details in order to guarantee anonymity. This procedure is the same for both proposed communications and final communications, although the latter will also include a version with the authors’ details.
Communications may be submitted in Spanish, English or Catalan. The Workshop’s working language will be Spanish.


Submitted proposals according to the template undergo a first review. All accepted proposals will have their full versions included in the digital proceedings, with ISBN number, e-ISSN number (2462-571X), legal deposit, DOI and handle. After this first review, you must submit your full communications through the platform, according to the template and before the specified deadline.


The scientific committee will review the full communications, and those with the best assessment will be presented orally during the Workshop. All the authors of a communication need to be registered so that the full text can undergo the second round of revisions and be considered for its oral presentation. The oral presentations must adhere to the order and format that will be established in the final Workshop programme.

Index and diffusion

The proceedings are indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science). Also, the conference has other channel for dissemination to widen the scope of influence of the communications. The communications that are most highly rated by the scientific committee among those presented orally will be eligible for the digital and physical collection JIDA [Texts of Architecture, Teaching and Research]co-published by RU Books and IDP-UPC, depending on their content and at the discretion of the Workshop’s management.


28 FEBRUARY Announcement of the Workshop
13 MAY Deadline for submission of communication proposals
21 JUNE Announcement of accepted proposals
15 JULY Deadline for reduced fee registration
16 SEPTEMBER Deadline for submission of full communications
18 SEPTEMBER Registration deadline
21 OCTOBER Announcement of selected oral presentations
01 NOVEMBER Deadline for submission of listeners
21-22 NOVEMBER Workshop JIDA'24

* Reduced fee (for authors): 140 €
* Standard fee (for authors): 180 €
* Listeners registration fee (with certificate): 105 €
* Undergraduate and Qualifying Master's Degree students: free
* Teaching of host University (reduced fee): 140 €
[The fee gives authors the right to submit a maximum of two communications]
[There is a maximum of 4 authors for each communication; all of them must registered in the case of being selected]


Universidad Rey Juan Carlos URJC, Campus de Aranjuez
Campus Aranjuez: