The Neighborhood is my Studio




“The Neighborhood is my Studio” proposes to locate the epicenter of architectural education in Solanda, a popular neighborhood in Quito. We have experimented with several pedagogical methodologies in order to develop participatory urban and architectural design with and for the neighborhood. Some are traditional -diagnosis, sensory mapping, palimpsest-, others less so: tactical urbanisms, collective data gathering, or an urban gallery-workshop that allows us to transport the studio into public and communal spaces. The complex circumstances of the neighborhood have expanded our methods beyond our discipline into the realms of structural reinforcement, collective data gathering and cadaster build up (using KoBo Toolbox), urban commons mapping, and community event organizing. The series “The neighborhood takes over the university” attempted to revert the logic of what is traditionally considered expertise and present neighbors as the most knowledgeable actors regarding their needs, circumstances, and future expectations/imaginaries.

Author Biographies

Ana María Durán Calisto, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Arquitecta por la Universidad de Pensilvania

Candidata a doctora por la Universidad de California

Co-socia Estudio A0

Co-directora SAP (South America Project)

Christine Van Sluys, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Arquitecta y urbanista por la Universidad Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Candidata a doctora por la ETSAB

Profesora FADA-PUCE

Co-socia Jaramillo Van Sluys Taller de Arquitectura y Urbanismo


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