It's not about watching videos: descriptive geometry learning methods


  • Fco. Javier Álvarez Atarés Universidad San Jorge. Zaragoza



geometry, autonomous learning, PBL, active methodology, workbooks


Application of an active methodology in the study of theory in the subject of Geometry as a starting point for improving the theoretical knowledge necessary for its direct application in practical exercise. The problem of theoretical teaching in this subject and its understanding, the context in which this methodology is applied, its approach as well as its development during its application during three academic years are analyzed. The activity is planned as an exercise outside the classroom but has its direct implication from the moment you enter the classroom to work. Based on the Flipped Learning pedagogical model, it seeks for the student to learn at their own pace and appropriate to their needs and prior knowledge. It isn´t about eliminating theory; it works applied to those points that are verified and are more difficult to understand.


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UNIVERSIDAD SAN JORGE (2009-2021). Guía Docente Geometría I. 2021-2022. Villanueva de Gállego (Zaragoza): USJ.




