Automata or autonomous? Emotional games for aligned and non-alienated empowerment




Games, Ecology, Intuition, Energy, Psychology


The pedagogy of the "contagion" of ecological and humanistic consciousness proposes to motivate to use our biology for decision-making according to ecological balance through neuroscientific tools applied to teaching. In a discipline such as architecture where complexity and rigor are combined with creativity and humanism, the focus on biology and the connection with nature from intuition allow an approach based on regenerative design, where it is incorporated into design. perceptual, sensory and emotional issues. The pedagogical challenge is based on a simulation with random conditions in relation to the human (humanistic approach) and the natural (biological approach), where the student is motivated and empowered to create a proposal from the connection with their own intuition more instinctive, from the phenomenology of perception and through play as a tool for connecting with the unconscious.

Author Biography

Angela Ruiz Plaza, ETSAM.Madrid/IEDesign/Universidad Nebrija

PhDarchitect, researcher and multidisciplinary creator. She is an associate professor at ETSAM, the European Institute of Disegno and the Nebrija University. She is a visiting professor at the Ecole Spécial d ’Architecture in Paris, the MACA Communication Master and the DOCA PhD program. Member of the Hypermedia Research group, facilitator in Design Thinking workshops at IMBA IE University. She trained with Juan Hereros and Lacaton & Vassal (Pritzker 2021). CEO of the AR-Atelier Bioarchitecture Studio, specialized in bioclimatic and ecological architecture. Editor of Ecohabitar, she has written the book Inhabiting in the Age of the Unconscious and created the game to train creativity D ’ARCHISgame.


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