Oral projects


  • Antonio Cantero Vinuesa Universidad Politécnica de Madrid




oral history, design tool, architectural interview, radical pedagogy, spoken word


The approach of using the oral history to share knowledge, experience, and understanding has long been understood and accepted as a valid construct in historic traditions. Introducing it into the architectural studio as a means of accessing experience, sharing insights, and transcending the drawn or build construct can be enlightening, both for the individual student and the collective. This study is built on the radical pedagogies from the sixties to the present day and as such, expands a pedagogical liniage. As we move into a more virtual world, where the image has more significance than the real, the spoken word in interviews by architects may serve to expand our approach to design and both the discipline and discourse in architectural projects.

Author Biography

Antonio Cantero Vinuesa, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Antonio Cantero is International PhD of Architecture with Sobresaliente Cum Laude by the ETSAM of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, MArch II in Advanced Architectural Projects by the same university and COAM PhD Award 2021.


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