Guided reflection in preparation for the teaching of facilities in Architecture




TIC tools, facilities in architecture, guided reflection, gamification, active methodologies


The significance of facilities in Architecture is quite unknown in the society in which we live, even for future architecture students. Relegating the facilities to the background is habitual and it causes operation problems, visually pollution and it affects inhabitants’ comfort. Furthermore, basic aspects for users’ health such as indoor air quality are not usually included in the architectural process. Can this be avoided by making the students aware of the importance of integrating the facilities and the aspects they cover? Is the root of the problem in the way of teaching these subjects? To give an answer to these questions, the Architecture Zero Course has been used to force a first critical reflection on these issues, using gamification and ICT. This experience results are key to focus teaching in the facilities subjects of the degree.

Author Biographies

María Teresa Aguilar Carrasco, Universidad de Sevilla

Contratada predoctoral (FPI) del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla

Remedios María López Lovillo, Universidad de Sevilla

Contratada predoctoral (FPU) del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla


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