How to integrate the creation of a materials library into teaching




materials library, materials collection, construction, database


In a time determined by the rise of virtual models, it seems appropriate to recall the sensory nature of architecture. In this sense, the materials library is presented as a basic tool to enjoy the physical experience with the materials that make up the architecture. The communication describes how to integrate the creation of a new collection in the teaching of the Degree in Architecture. For this purpose, a literature review of recent research has been conducted. A theoretical framework of minimum requirements has also been established, highlighting the strengths, but also the difficulties associated with the operation of these type of resources. Finally, a proposal to implement the project by using active learning methods to involve the students from the beginning is described.

Author Biography

Leire Azcona-Uribe, UPV/EHU Univesity of the Basque Country

Leire Azcona Uribe (Ondarroa, 1976). Architect by the ETSA of the UPV/EHU in 2003 and PhD since February 2016. Attached to the Department of Architecture, she teaches in the Area of ​​Architectural Constructions since 2010. Collegiate since 2005 in the COAVN, she has practiced professionally as an architect between 2004 and 2018. Her research work has focused on collective housing in the post-war period (1939-1959) and on the rehabilitation of architectural heritage.


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