Hyper-connected hybrid educational models for distributed learning through prototyping


  • Eduardo Chamorro Martin IAAC - Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña - FABLAB BARCELONA https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2719-3650
  • Kunaljit Chadha IAAC - Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña




peer learning, education, cooperative, fabrication, distributed


The emergence of virtual classrooms has deeply impacted and transformed the educational methodologies and protocols, in particular since the dawn of the COVID19 pandemic. This sudden change from on-campus to virtual learning spaces has also presented a unique opportunity to teach locally and reach globally. The following paper aims to present a pilot educational framework stimulating distributed learning through prototyping using remotely controlled mechanical systems, not only as a transitory state of educational programs moving to online programs due to the current pandemic but as a viable alternative. 

Author Biographies

Eduardo Chamorro Martin, IAAC - Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña - FABLAB BARCELONA

Eduardo Chamorro is an architect and researcher who works towards to discover how technology can
transform architecture and its processes to improve people ́s lives.
He holds a Master Degree of Architecture from CEU San Pablo University (Spain), a Fab Academy
diploma on Digital Fabrication offered by the Fab Lab Network and a Master Degree in Advanced
Architecture from IAAC (Spain), with a specialization in digital fabrication, materiality and new design
methodologies. Currently he is doing his PHD at the Swinburne University of Melbourne with IaaC on
He holds as well a Spanish architectural licence.In addition he has worked as Fab Lab Seoul director
and researcher, several architecture studios, computational design and fabrication professor at CEU
University, advisor as fabrication expert for different architecture collectives,and artist, as well as
common collaborator in Fab Lab Madrid and FabLab Network. He is always seeking to achieve an
innovative architecture that attempts to solve and adapt to the society needs.
As an expert in digital fabrication. he is now teaching in MDEF, MAA2,OTF AND MAEB másters
programs at IAAC. For him working in a multi-scalar environment must be the priority in an architect nowadays.

Kunaljit Chadha, IAAC - Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña

Investigador docente.


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